We do not have floor spots on guest nights as time is very limited.
The start of the evening is filled by the OFC residents singers and musicians.
On Singers & Musicians nights however we welcome performers of any ability.
Please be aware all of our events & evenings are cash only please.
@ the
Farnborough Social Club
6 Pleasant View Place
Via Farrow Fields
Farnborough Village
Please be aware that the Post Code takes you to a residential road where there is an entrance but no parking available. The entrance you should use to the club car park is via Farrow Fields next to the Woodman public house.
The What3Words address is more accurate.
Orpington Folk Music and Song Club exists to promote folk music and song. It is a non-profit making organisation and is for those who wish to listen to or take part in an informal evening of folk music and song.
Download Handout: February - March 2025
Download Graham's Review: 24th October 2024
To celebrate our 60th anniversatary, we have booked 'THE SALTS'.
The Salts are a Shanty band with a difference, think Fishermans Friends on steroids. The 5 well seasoned multi-instrumentalists provide a lively evening of entertainment, guarenteed to send you home with a skip in your step.
The Entrance Fee for the evening will be a miserly £10, so make a note in your diary for this memorable occasion.
Our guest for February will be Craig Joiner, his first visit to Orpington Folk Club.
Please note that entrance fee increased to £3 for Singer's and Musician's Nights and £8.00 for Guest Nights from 1st January 2025.
If not already done so, do not forget to download Graham's review of a recent singer's night. See above link.
February's Singers Nights
6th ~ 13th ~ 20th
Great times are to be had on singers nights. Why not come along and give it a try.
Perhaps sing a song yourself.
Don't forget you can just coming along and listen.
27th Craig Joiner.
Although Craig has forged a career and won repute in the rock arena, folk music has always been his true muse and calling. “As a 15-year-old, I played my first gig, guitar in hands, at the Cellar Folk Club in Hemel Hempstead,” he recalls. “Life and opportunities then led me elsewhere, but here I am again, having travelled full circle. It feels like home and it’s so wonderful to be here.”
Singers nights at the Orpington Folk Club are an opportunity for singers and musicians to get together to perform their songs and or tunes to an audience. Traditional, contemporary and blues music can all be heard on any one night. The Social Club is an excellent space to play in and the bar prices are so reasonable.
So what's stopping you from giving it a go? See you there?
Folk Club news :
Admission :
Us @ OFC.
Edit: 16/102020 - 17/10/2020_1_2 - 25/10/2020 - 7/5/2021 - 21/05/2021
Over the years we have collected emails from our guests and regular visitors to the club.
Due to new EU regulations relating to privacy laws GDPR, which I'm sure you are all aware of, it is incumbent on us to ask if we can continue to keep the email address in our email client address book. We will over the coming months be sending an email to the holders of the accounts asking if we can continue to keep it in our email client address book. You will be asked to reply if you wish to be removed. You can confirm to be subscribed as well.
Our promise to you : We are and always will be committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
Edit : 14/07/2021 24/07/2023 30/10/2023