From Castel Fidardo Italy Manufactured by Beltuna and made in Castel Fidardo Italy. It has 96 (deep Helikon bass) and 3 treble reeds with musette tuning.(1998)
Zero Zette
120 bass piano accordion with Free Bass. This turns 4 rows of the left hand buttons into single notes, turning the left hand into a four row continental chromatic accordion. This is used especially to play classical music.
4 row C system 120 bass button accordion manufactured by the French Maugein company. I tried to convert it to the Reuther uniform keyboard. This necessitated rearranging the reeds and adding a row of reeds so that the first and third rows were the same. Unfortunately the instrument being old was too heavy and too cumbersome and the project was abandoned.
Ivan (2007)
FR7 accordion